Do you know why 4 out of 5 new real estate agents fail because they never develop effective prospecting skills? Watch this video and learn the truth about prospecting!

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Photo of Greg Herder

Greg Herder

Jim Rohn, the great personal development speaker, hired Greg Herder when he was in his early twenties. Jim inspired Greg to be the best he could be. Greg went on to build a successful real estate business and Hobbs/Herder Advertising, a successful real estate training and marketing company. For 29 years, Greg traveled around the United States and Canada teaching real estate agents how to tap into the power of personal branding. Hobbs/Herder writing staff created over 35,000 personal branding campaigns for real estate agents. Greg is known as the father of personal branding. His thinking changed the course of the real estate industry.

Greg Herder Training is dedicated to helping you pursue your dreams, achieve your goals, and meet your aspirations.

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Greg Herder Training offers on-demand, results-focused training courses that combine video training with practical homework and practice. It has proven to provide some of the most effective training ever created.